Legislative Action Team Advisory

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Senate Budget Amendment to increase ED and Health

Sometime between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon the Senate is likely to vote on an amendment to increase funding by $7 billion for discretionary programs with the plan that this money will go to education, health and labor programs. The $7 billion would bring funding back to the FY 2005 levels!

Please contact your Senators and ask them to support the Specter/Harkin budget amendment to increase education, health and labor programs by $7 billion.

You can call 202-224-3121 - the capitol switchboard and ask for your senator -by name or your state.

The following is a list of Senators who are up for re-election this year.

US Senate - Up For Reelection in 2006
Akaka, Daniel - (D - HI)
Bingaman, Jeff - (D - NM)
Byrd, Robert - (D - WV)
Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)
Carper, Thomas - (D - DE)
Clinton, Hillary - (D - NY)
Conrad, Kent - (D - ND)
Dayton, Mark - (D - MN)
Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)
Kennedy, Edward - (D - MA)
Kohl, Herb - (D - WI)
Lieberman, Joseph - (D - CT)
Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ)
Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)
Nelson, Ben - (D - NE)
Sarbanes, Paul - (D - MD)
Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)

Jeffords, James - (I - VT)

Allen, George - (R - VA)
Burns, Conrad - (R - MT)
Chafee, Lincoln - (R - RI)
DeWine, Mike - (R - OH)
Ensign, John - (R - NV)
Frist, Bill - (R - TN)
Hatch, Orrin - (R - UT)
Hutchison, Kay - (R - TX)
Kyl, Jon - (R - AZ)
Lott, Trent - (R - MS)
Lugar, Richard - (R - IN)
Santorum, Rick - (R - PA)
Snowe, Olympia - (R - ME)
Talent, James - (R - MO)
Thomas, Craig - (R - WY)


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