Legislative Action Team Advisory

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Calendar of Upcoming Events

January 31, 2006 State of the Union

February 6, 2006 The President submits his FY 2007 budget request to Congress

February 7, 2006 8:00 PM ET - Audio Conference re Congressional Agenda for 2006

This will be a free service, but registration is limited. Participants are asked to register by February 3rd with btierney@reading.org to receive the call-in number and a set of Power Point slides.

February 22, 2006 - IRA Global Perspectives 2 - 4 PM -- Washington, DC Call 202 624 8800 for Agenda

February 23 - 25 - IRA Legislative Workshop for information and regislation Go to: http://www.reading.org/association/meetings/legislative.html

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Audio Conference of FY 07 Budget impact on reading

How will the President's new FY 07 budget impact reading education?

Join Richard Long, IRA Director of Government Relations, in a live audio-conference on Tuesday, January 17, at 8:00 pm EST as he discusses the new federal budget and its impact on reading education.

This will be a free service, but registration is limited. Participants are asked to register by January 12 with btierney@reading.org to receive the call-in number and a set of Power Point slides.

Dr. Long will brief callers for about 20 minutes and then answer questions. Participants are asked to e-mail their questions in advance to btierney@reading.org. We cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered during the call. We will try to answer all questions by e-mail.

Concise questions are encouraged. Please be sure to include your name and affiliation when posting your questions.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Appropriations for FY 06 after 1% across the board cut

Selected ED programs and appropriations in thousands of dollars

Program ..........................FY 05 .....................FY 06

Title I Grants to LEAs...... 12,739,571................. 12,713,125
Reading First .......................1,041,600.................. 1,029,234
Early Reading First................ 104,160..................... 103,118
Striving Readers .......................24,800...................... 29,700
Even Start................................ 225,095 .....................99.000
Compr School Reform............ 205,344........................ 7,920