Legislative Action Team Advisory

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Senate Labor/HHS/ED appropriations

The Committee for Education funding is reporting the following. Virtually all education programs are funded at the same level as FY06. No programs are eliminated.

The FY07 spending bill provides:
· $12.7 billion for Title I grants to local education agencies.
· $10.6 billion special education grants to states
· $2.7 billion to support state and local efforts to hire and retain "highly qualified" teachers, which is a cut of $140 million from FY06
· $1.1 billion Reading First state grants
· $669 million for English Language Acquisition state grants
· $100 million for states to provide funds for School Improvement grants under NCLB
· $35 million for Striving Readers

The bill includes more than $530 million for programs intended to promote American competitiveness globally, including:
· $195 million for Math and Science Partnerships
· $40 million for Advanced Placement Programs
· Restoration of $272.3 million for Educational Technology State Grants
· $26.2 million for Foreign Language Assistance programs