Legislative Action Team Advisory

Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26, 2006 funding report

June 26, 2006
The Senate appropriations full committee approved its funding including almost exactly $5 billion more than the President’s requested level for Labor-HHS-Education.

FY06 FY07 President Senate FY07 allocation
$141,200 $137,798 $142,800

The L-HHS-ED appropriations subcommittee has scheduled its “mark up” for July 18 and full committee for July 20.

Budget Reform
House passed H.R. 4890, Legislative Line Item Veto Act, giving the President the authority to cancel certain discretionary, mandatory and tax expenditures subject to congressional approval within 45 days of passage.

The Senate Budget Committee approved Senator Gregg’s comprehensive budget reform bill, including a line item veto provision.

Mark up – process in a committee of analyzing a piece of legislation and making changes.

June 21, 2006

HEA Reauthorization
(Higher Education Act dealing with teacher preparation, college costs, loans, and grants.)
Both Senate and House voted to extend HEA until September 30, 2006. The Senate version of the legislation (S 1614) was approved by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee last summer but has not advanced. A HELP spokesman said Democratic and Republican staff is still negotiating the bill. Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) would like to offer amendments on the floor that would reopen debate on student loan programs, which Democrats say were cut too deeply as part of the budget-cutting law.

Perkins Reauthorization
(Career and technical education with stronger focus on academics.)
The long-stalled Perkins reauthorization bill could see action in the summer of 2006. In early June 2006, Senate and House leaders said they planned to appoint a conference committee to hash out differences between the HR 366 and S 250 within the next two weeks, a House committee chairman and congressional aides said.
Education and the Workforce Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, (R-CA) discussed the legislation on June 8 with his Senate counterpart, Michael B. Enzi, (R-WY) chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and said in an interview the next day that he expected conferees to be appointed soon.

Head Start Reauthorization
(Early education program with goal to help children from low-income families enter kindergarten ready to succeed.)
No word on timing.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
(WIA superseded the Job Training Partnership Act, offers range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations to benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers.)
Rumor mill has it this won’t see floor action this year.

(Approval of federal taxpayer dollars for various undertakings.)
President signed the emergency supplemental. Sen. Specter (R-PA) was the only ‘no’ vote on the emergency supplemental that had a “deeming resolution”* attached ($873 billion). He is unhappy with the funding. There is talk that an additional $5 billion will be available for L, HHS & ED on the Senate side. (The House included $4.1 Billion.) Budget authority 302 (b) allocations are expected next week.
The House budget committee approved a line item recession bill (HR 4890) 24-10. In the Senate Sen. Gregg (R-NH) is proposing budget changes in the Stop Over Spending (SOS) bill. Including:
Budget caps with across the board cuts to enforce the caps starting 2012
A commission to study entitlement growth
A sunset commission
Two-year federal budget

*(Deeming resolution [definition adapted from statement by Sen. Reid, D-NV, 6-14-06]: A deeming resolution is a mechanism for setting the total level of discretionary spending for the upcoming fiscal year, totally apart from the normal budget. It's used only when the normal budget process completely breaks down. The figure provided for the Appropriations Committee is substantially below the amount provided in the Senate budget resolution after significant debate.)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14th funding report

The House Committee on Appropriations passed the Labor, Health & Human Services, Education and related agencies (L-HHS-ED) and related agencies appropriations bill on June 13. Education funding remains unchanged from the amount previously passed by sub-committee on June 7th.

Click here for more details...

Complete tables L-HHS-ED

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 7, 2006 funding report:

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Committee agreed to a bill that sets total discretionary spending at $141.930 billion. The Department of Education’s budget is $400 million dollars less than FY06, a decrease of 0.7%.

Highlights of the bill: (B=billions, M=millions)

Programs that are funded at the FY06 level
Title I grants to LEA’s $12.7B
Reading First $1.02B
Early Reading First $103M
Striving Readers $35M
Impact Aid $1.2B
National Writing Project $21.5M
Head Start $6.7B
Regional Education Laboratories $65.5M
Vocational Education $1,296B

Programs that received an increase from FY06
IDEA state grants +150.1M making FY07 $11.753B
Title I, School improvements grants +$200M (new funding)
Title V-innovative state grants +$51M FY 07 $150M
Striving Readers +$5.3M FY 07 $35M
Pell Grant Maximum Award +$100 $4,150 (maximum award)
Math and Science Partnerships +$42.8M FY07 $225M
Advance Placement of +$47.8M FY07 $80M

All other higher education programs are level funded, including Trio, Gear Up, LEAP, College Work Study and Perkins loans cancellation.

Programs that received a decrease from FY06
Even Start -$29M FY07 $70M
Smaller Learning Communities -$43.5M FY07 $45.3M
Safe and Drug Free Schools state grants -$36.5M FY07 $310M
Teacher Quality state grants -$300.4M FY07 $2,587B
Comprehensive School Reform -$4.9 M FY07 $3M
School Counselors -$12.65 M FY07 $22M

The bill completely eliminates:
Education Technology State Grants -$272.3M
Drop Out Prevention -$4.5M
Arts in Education -$34M

The bill does not fund the President’s $1.5 billion high school initiative, the opportunity scholarship program, or the competitiveness initiative.