Legislative Action Team Advisory

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Education Funding - House Action

The House Budget process has become a battle ground of conflicting priorities. Congressman Mike Castle (R-DE) had been fighting for a $7 billion amendment to the budget process to move money to the Labor-HHS-ED spending committee to bring their allocation up to what they had two years ago. It is unclear if this amendment will move forward when the House votes on its budget resolution Thursday, May 11th.

However, the House appropriation’s committee has voted its own allocation plan without the budget processes guidance. They increased the allocation to the Labor-HHS-ED spending committee by about $4.1 billion over last year’s level.

The next steps are two fold. First the budget resolution will need to move forward in the House and then to work out a joint resolution with the Senate. Parrallel to this, the House appropriators will be moving their spending plans from the overall allocation levels to making decisions about the line-by-line spending on programs.


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