Legislative Action Team Advisory

Monday, February 05, 2007


NCLB “Insiders” Forecast Delay in Reauthorization, Minor Tweaks to Legislation
In January, the Thomas B. Fordham foundation released the results of a survey of “Washington insiders” on No Child Left Behind reauthorization. According to the survey, those often considered to be “in the know” on NCLB don’t believe its reauthorization will occur until at least 2009. 11 out of 12 respondents chose “2009 or later” for the timing of NCLB reauthorization, but one did predict it would occur this year. Additionally, most respondents believed that the law would only undergo relatively minor changes based mostly on ongoing NCLB related initiatives at the Department. For more information:http://www.edexcellence.net/doc/CrystalAppleNCLBBrief.pdf

Commission on Civil Rights to Examine SESThe U.S. Commission on Civil Rights announced it will convene three expert panels on the implementation of the supplemental education services (SES) provisions of NCLB. The panel discussions will take place on February 26 and the Commission is seeking public comment until that date. Each panel will feature experts, school officials, and parents. A number of experts and stakeholders in NCLB will speak at the event, including Eugene Hicock, former deputy secretary of education, superintendents from Detroit, Camden, NJ, and Newark, NJ, and parents from New Jersey, Texas, and Michigan. For more information: http://www.usccr.gov

Business Roundtable, US Chamber Form Coalition for NCLB Reauthorization
The Business Roundtable and U.S. Chamber of Commerce have formed a coalition in order to facilitate the reauthorization of NCLB this year. The Business Coalition for Student Achievement is co-chaired by Craig R. Barrett, Chairman of Intel; Arthur F. Ryan, Chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial, Inc.; and Edward B. Rust Jr., Chairman and CEO of State Farm and promises to use its resources and connections to push for a timely reauthorization of NCLB. For more information: http://www.biz4achievement.org


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